Friday, October 22, 2010

AP Stat: Create a Regression Equation from Summary Statistics Data

Here are the summary statistics and correlations for the Arm Span and Pass the Buck activities:

MEAN 69.668   69.082   5.305   10.879
Standard Deviation    4.011   3.214   2.756   5.343
CORRELATION   .885       .950  

Create regression equations from this data and write the meaning of the slope in context of the problem.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

AP Stat: Survey Project Data

If you have trouble reading the Excel file containing the survey data, I have posted the data as a text file. This data can be cut and pasted into the online graphing applets that are available through the AP Stat links page.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

AP STAT: Model Parameters

I thought it was important as your are going through Chapter 6 and moving forward to keep clear the differences between distributions and statistical models.

The difference between a distribution and a model:

Distribution              Model
real data                     theoretical values
observed                    imagined
histogram                   mathematical curve
statistics                     parameters
center y                      center μ
spread s                     spread σ