Sunday, September 12, 2010

AP Stat: Constructing an Ogive

We were a little rushed at  the end on the actual Ogive construction, so I put together a series of images to illustrate how to finish off the Ogive.

This first illustration shows the Cummulative Percentage Histogram, which is what we had in class. I am using the M&M data posted on the blog and looking at how many M&M's each color has in a bag.
Next, put a dot at the end value of each bin. You can place the dot at the position of the maximum value in each bin to be more precise.
Finally, erase the boxes and connect each dot with a line.
You now have a rough curve of the data distribution. This graph is your Ogive.

Please note that you can construct Ogive graphs using cummulative counts rather than cummulative percentages. It just depends on what you want to say about your distribution.

1 comment:

  1. Maths is quite joyful and daily needed subject and I am here to discuss a simple definition regarding Ogive as- Graphs which are used to represent the relationship between two variables known as Ogive.
