Monday, July 1, 2013

z-scores and the standard normal model

Today focused on finding z-scores and working with the standard normal model. This lesson went pretty much as planned. The only thing I didn't cover was how to find normal probabilities on the calculator. We'll do this at the start of next class. The news that the calculator could calculate values was greeted by good-natured groans and curses.

Below is an outline of the lesson with italicized comments enclosed in square brackets [like this].

—Normal Model
·         Which is more unusual?
   o   Discuss as class, how could these be compared? [Compare someone walking into the room who is 82" tall or with a show size of 4.]
·         Quick investigation [Went as described, allows to see students where z-score is derived.]
   o   Pick 5 different values
   o   Calculate the mean and standard deviation
   o   Now, add a value of 9 to each original value
      §  What happens to mean and standard deviation
   o   Next, subtract a value of 9 from each original value
      §  What happens to mean and standard deviation
   o   Multiply each original value by 9
      §  What happens to mean and standard deviation
   o   Divide each original value by 9
      §  What happens to mean and standard deviation
·         What will the mean and standard deviation be if you subtract x-bar from each datum
   o   Mean is zero, standard deviation unchanged
·         What will the mean be if you divide transformed data by the standard deviation
   o   Mean is zero and standard deviation one
   o   What are the units of this transformed data [Students need to realize that z-scores are unitless.]
   o   This is known as a z-score
·         What is the meaning of the z-score
   o   Tells how many standard deviations a value is away from the mean
·         Going back to opening question, what if we calculate the z-score for both items? [Didn't have data, used their 5 numbers that they picked.]
   o   Can compare to see which is more unusual
·         Work with z-scores on worksheet
·         The distribution of z-scores is known as the standard normal model [Used 15 z-scores from their randomly selected numbers and created a histogram. Students described distribution as unimodal with a slight left skew.]
   o   Mean is zero and standard deviation is one
·         Calculate areas under curve [Worked through several examples using a z-table.]
   o   Using table
   o   Using 68.26, 95.44, 99.74 rule
·         Practice with normal model worksheet

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