Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Discrete Mathematics for High School - Revision 3

This is the third time I am teaching a one-semester discrete mathematics course for high school. As before, the only prerequisite is that students have passed Algebra II with a grade of C or better.

This time around, I have changed the order of presentation. The course will begin with counting, as before. The second unit will now be the graphing unit. I'll be expanding this unit out a bit to include some work with Hamiltonian circuits, graph homeomorphisms, and graph coloring.

Below is the general philosophy of this problem-based course and the outline for the counting unit. All lesson slides are being posted under the course notes on my web site, so you can follow the progression through the course this semester.

I welcome any questions or suggestions as to course content and sequencing.

The focus of this course is to promote mathematical thinking by exploring concepts and problems in discrete mathematics. Students will be expected to reason through problems, to make sense of the mathematics, and to justify their solutions. Part of the instruction will help build foundational knowledge of algorithms and demonstrations of proofs.

This course uses a problem-based approach to presenting and learning the material.

Problem-based learning typically follows prescribed steps:
1.     Presentation of an "ill-structured" (open-ended, "messy") problem
2.     Problem definition or formulation (the problem statement)
3.     Generation of a "knowledge inventory" (a list of "what we know about the problem" and "what we need to know")
4.     Generation of possible solutions
5.     Formulation of learning issues for self-directed and coached learning
6.     Sharing of findings and solutions

[Note: I did present the above to my class on the first day so that they understand how the class works and their responsibility as problem solvers. Problems not solved by them are left open for them to resolve.] 

Unit 1 – Counting
The first unit will explore concepts in counting. These ideas will repeatedly come up as students explore areas of discrete mathematics. Having a foundation for counting will enable students to have more confidence tackling problems knowing they have these techniques and abilities at their disposal.

1.      U1-01 What is discrete math
a.      Circle name activity
                                                                          i.      Push for various solutions and results
b.      Overview of problem-based learning approach
c.       Exploring Pascal’s triangle
                                                                          i.      Use problem-based approach
                                                                        ii.      Connections
d.      What is discrete math
                                                                          i.      Syllabus highlights
                                                                        ii.      Web site
e.      Counting pre-assessment
                                                                          i.      Use page 61 of Data Analysis and Probability Workbook
1.      Project on smartboard
                                                                        ii.      Go through results on page 20 of Data Analysis and Probability Workbook Teacher’s Guide
f.        Exit ticket
                                                                          i.      What connections are there between the circle name activity and Pascal’s triangle?
                                                                        ii.      What patterns in Pascal’s triangle surprised you?
                                                                      iii.      What topics mentioned are you most interested in learning and why?
2.      U1-02a Figurative numbers
a.      Square numbers (1 day)
b.      Triangular numbers (1 day)
c.      Finite Differences lesson  U2-02o before proceeding (2 day plus)
d.      Figurative numbers (1 day)
                                                                          i.      Define pentagonal numbers
                                                                        ii.      Write general expressions pentagonal numbers
1.      Use table and finite difference algorithm
e.      Exit ticket
3.      U1-02b Finite Differences
a.      Explore linear relationships
                                                                          i.      Example: y = 3x + 7
                                                                        ii.      Have students explore y = -2x + 3 and y = 2x - 4
b.      Explore quadratic relationships
                                                                          i.      Have students explore y = x2 and y = 3x2
                                                                        ii.      Conjecture about relationship
                                                                      iii.      Try conjecture
                                                                       iv.      Discuss relationship
c.       Explore cubic relationships
                                                                          i.      Have students explore y = x3 and y = 2x3
                                                                        ii.      Have students conjecture about relationship
                                                                      iii.      Have students check conjecture
                                                                       iv.      Discuss relationship
d.      Generalize relation
                                                                          i.      First conjecture and discuss general relations
                                                                        ii.      test on square or triangular values
e.      Discuss algorithm for extracting equation from table values
                                                                          i.      Determine degree and first coefficient
                                                                        ii.      Subtract nth term value
                                                                      iii.      Calculate new differences
                                                                       iv.      Repeat process until entire equation complete
                                                                         v.      Emphasize how this process is an algorithm
f.        Exit
                                                                          i.      How can finite differences help you determine the relationship in your data?
g.      Homework
                                                                          i.      Use finite difference to find equation for triangular or square numbers
h.      Homework discussion
i.        Practice extracting equation
                                                                          i.      Demonstrate with a quadratic, such as f(x) = 2x2 -3x + 5
                                                                        ii.      Give students a cubic equation to work through
1.      X3 – 2x2 + x – 3 or something similar
4.      U1-02c polygonal numbers
a.      Figurative numbers (1 day)
                                                                          i.      Define pentagonal numbers
                                                                        ii.      Write general expressions pentagonal numbers
1.      Use table and finite difference algorithm
b.      Mastery quiz – write-up of pentagonal numbers
c.       Exit ticket
5.      U1-02d mathematical induction
a.      How do you know something will work for all cases?
b.      Ideas behind mathematical proof
                                                                          i.      Based on accepted truths
                                                                        ii.      Logical steps
                                                                      iii.      Demonstrates true for all situations
                                                                       iv.      Why are proofs important
1.      Once proven can now use as accepted fact
2.      Allows knowledge to build
3.      Do not have to question whether something will always work
c.       Mathematical induction
                                                                          i.      One method of mathematical proof
                                                                        ii.      Useful for formulas based on discrete values
d.      Parts of induction
                                                                          i.      Demonstrate something is true for a starting point
                                                                        ii.      Demonstrate that from any given point that you can advance one step
1.      Think of climbing a ladder
                                                                      iii.      Why does this show something will always be true?
e.      Demonstrate with triangular numbers
                                                                          i.      Demonstrate formula is true for a starting point
1.      N = 1, show 1(1+1)/2 = 1, yes it works
                                                                        ii.      Show that from any given point you can advance one step
1.      Assume n(n+1)/2 works. Is it true for value n+1?
a.      Is  (n+1)(n +1 + 1)/2 the right form?
b.      Yes it is
                                                                      iii.      Therefore, by mathematical induction, true for every k
f.        Have students use pentagonal numbers
6.      U1-A1 Assessment on figurate numbers and finite differences
a.      Give students a table of the first three hexagonal numbers and their figures
                                                                          i.      Draw the next hexagonal number
                                                                        ii.      What is the value of H5 and H10?
                                                                      iii.      Using finite differences, write an expression for Hn.
                                                                       iv.      If eight people attend a party and greet all others by shaking hands, how many handshakes occurred?
b.      Mastery quiz problem
                                                                          i.      Write up investigation of pentagonal numbers
1.      Drawing
2.      Tables
3.      Finite differences
4.      Formula
7.      U1-03 Combinations and permutations (will cover 2 periods?)
a.      Class picture problem
                                                                          i.      Many students know the answer is 30!
                                                                        ii.      Ask them why this is the answer
b.      Faberge eggs
c.       Basketball teams
d.      Pizza combos
e.      Exit ticket
8.      U1-04 Pigeon Hole Principle
a.      Socks in a drawer
                                                                          i.      Discuss solutions
b.      Gumball problem
                                                                          i.      Discuss solutions
c.       Definition of pigeon hole principle
                                                                          i.      3 pigeons and 2 pigeon coups imply on coup contains more than one pigeon
                                                                        ii.      Does this imply that all coups are occupied?
d.      Three examples – students are to explain why the statements are true
                                                                          i.      Five cards drawn from a deck implies at least one suit match
                                                                        ii.      Five integers from 1-8 two must sum to nine
                                                                      iii.      If train every day for 30 days and you have 45 total training sessions, then you will have a set of consecutive days with exactly 14 training sessions
e.      What connections do you see across the problems we looked at today and how does the pigeon hole principle apply?
9.      U1-05 Advanced counting
a.      2 flag problems
                                                                          i.      8 stripes, 3 colors
1.      How many with at least 6 blue stripes
2.      How many with at least 2 blue stripes
b.      2 playing card problems
                                                                          i.      4-card hands with two pair
                                                                        ii.      5-card hands that are full houses
c.       2 people group problems
                                                                          i.      12 people
1.      Break into one group of 2, one of 3, and one of 7
2.      Break into 4 groups of 3
10.  U1-A2 Assessment on Combinations/Permutations and Pigeon Hole
a.      Permutation
b.      Combination
c.       Pigeon hole
11.  U1-06 Basic probability rules (2 days?)
a.      What is the probability of being dealt a full-house?
                                                                          i.      What do we need to know/do to calculate this probability
b.      Define P(A) = outcomes of A / total outcomes
                                                                          i.      Calculate P(dealt full-house)
                                                                        ii.      Calculate P(dealt 4 of a kind)
c.       Probability Rules
                                                                          i.      Have students create list of rules they know
1.      Rules to have
a.      P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B) for mutually exclusive events
b.      P(A and B) = P(A) x P(B) for independent events
c.       0 <= P(A) <= 1
d.      P(not A) = 1 – P(A)
e.      sum of all probabilities = 1
f.        may be others
2.      Share out list and discuss
3.      Students create examples of each rule using playing cards
a.      Share and discuss
4.      Cover additional rules not previously identified
d.      Practice problems (use card decks as model)
                                                                          i.      Probability dealt a black-jack
                                                                        ii.      Probability dealt a flush
                                                                      iii.      Probability dealt the queen of spades when four people playing hearts
12.  U1-07 Conditional probability and reversing probability
a.      Example probability problems involving conditional probability
b.      Common characteristics of problems
c.       Define conditional probability
d.      Calculate some conditional probabilities
e.      Define independence of two events
                                                                          i.      Confirm probability relationship between independent events
f.        Use general multiplication rule to reverse probability
                                                                          i.      Reference Bayes theorem
                                                                        ii.      Give example
g.      Provide practice worksheet
                                                                          i.      Downloaded from education.com
                                                                        ii.      bayes reference – trouble downloading
h.      Exit
                                                                          i.      Connections between traditional and conditional probability
                                                                        ii.      Things to remember about reversing probability
13.  U1-08 Counting Review
a.      Concept map
b.      Practice problems
14.  U1-09 Counting Review
a.      Problem card sort

b.      Practice problems

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