Friday, May 29, 2015

Geometry - an inquiry-based approach aligned to common core for next year?

I'll be teaching geometry for the first time in five years. During the past five years I have made a concerted effort to taking an inquiry-based approach in my classes. I've had a relatively easy time implementing many of my ideas because my statistics and discrete math classes are singleton preps.

I'll be on a team of eight for geometry. I will be pushing the group to take an inquiry-based approach. I am hopeful that I can at least get the group to move into that direction.

I will document my progress during the school year as I develop or modify lesson plans and unit flow for an inquiry-based approach to geometry. I intend on using this blog to capture what is working and what is not working.

If you have used an inquiry-based approach in high school geometry, I'd love to hear from you.

If you are interested in taking an inquiry-based approach in high school geometry, comment back and let's get a discussion going.

Now that the school year is over, I'll be off to Kansas City for the AP Statistics reading.

Enjoy your summer; I'll definitely be back in the fall, if not sooner.

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