Monday, January 14, 2013

Discrete Math - Day 3

We started the day summarizing what was learned about triangular and square numbers from last class. Since this was a Monday morning class I thought it would be a good idea to have students re-engage in their thinking and notes before tackling the next set of problems.

We wrote out the formulas for Tn and Sn, the values of the nth triangular and square numbers, respectively. It was interesting that students struggled with the formula for Sn = n2, since we didn't explicitly discuss this last week. They were much more comfortable reciting the Gaussian summation formula for triangular numbers, Tn = n(n+1)/2.

Students tackled the next three problems related to triangular numbers. The purpose of these are to get students comfortable working through problems. I warned students that part e was a tougher pattern to see. Students made slow progress on these but did identify the patterns for d and f. For part d, we have

         Tn-1 + T= n2.

For part f we have T2n-1 + T2= n3.

After having students present results I wrote out the associated formulas for both problems. There wasn't much progress on part e, so I asked students to write out the first eight terms and to look for a pattern.

Visit the class summary page to get a student's perspective on the day's activities and to view slides of the lesson.

We'll work with these tomorrow, along with looking at pentagonal numbers. I intend on the pentagonal numbers to be the first portfolio problem.

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