Thursday, January 9, 2014

Outline for a One-Semester Course in Inferential Probability and Statistics

Last semester I tweaked my Inferential Probability and Statistics class. I want to present a modern approach to statistical analysis using techniques such as simulations, bootstrapping, and re-sampling. I incorporated the CPMP software tools that provide an easy way to generate thousands of simulations or randomized samples. I built in the use of z-scores and the normal model to help understand the behavior of these data.

Below is the outline that I will be following this semester. I will be posting pdf files containing presented material on the class notes web page. Feel free to contact me if you have questions or want any additional information. 

Have a great semester!

Inferential Probability




The first unit covers the opening day. It is designed to build community, give flavor as to how the course operates, gather information on prior knowledge of statistics, and provide a glimpse on what statistics is about and what we hope to accomplish in the course.

  1. 00-01 Intro
    1. Discuss syllabus, grading, policies
    2. Online textbooks (refer to web site links), classroom textbook
    3. Community building
                                                               i.      Have students get in groups of 3 with people they do not know or normally hang out with
                                                             ii.      Have students share a memorable gift and recent movie they saw
                                                            iii.      Students have 2 minutes and then rotate (do this 3 times)
    1. Statistics and probability discussion from activity
                                                   i.      How can we describe quantify these results
                                                 ii.      How representative are these for the class, the school, teenagers in general
                                                iii.      How many different ways could we form groups of 3
                                               iv.      How likely would it be for all groups to contain individuals of the same sex, assuming that there are 12 boys and 15 girls?
    1. Course survey
    2. Coin stacking
                                                               i.      Ask students to stack pennies as high as possible using dominant and non-dominant hand
                                                             ii.      Record data on data collection sheet     
g.       Coin stacking discussion
                                                               i.      What are natural questions related to stacking pennies using dominant and non-dominant hands?
                                                             ii.      What do you think the results will show for the various questions?
1.       These become our hypotheses, our belief or knowledge about what is currently true
                                                            iii.      What protocol did you use for penny stacking?
1.       Are protocols consistent?
2.       How does this affect results?
                                                           iv.      What was the purpose of this experiment?
1.       Assume want to find out if dominant or non-dominant hand is better at stacking
2.       What if told that the purpose was really to see what percent stacked multiple pennies at a time?


The first unit should take approximately 4-5 weeks to complete. Although there are 11 lesson files, several of these, most notably lesson 10, will take more than one period to complete. Need to weave in simulations as information is collected. Emphasize what we expect to happen versus what happens: are our data consistent with expectations? If not, why? Is there something wrong with the data collected or do we need to adjust our expectations based on the data we see? On investigations at the end start weaving in data organization and analysis pieces.

  1. 01-01 Data Intro
    1. Look at class survey data
    2. Consistency
                                                               i.      Shoe size of male versus female
    1. Missing or erroneous data
    2. Quantitative versus categorical data
                                                               i.      Define
    1. Classify data in survey
                                                               i.      Is shoe size categorical or quantitative?
2.       01-02 Experimental components
a.       Open with coin stacking (re-visit or complete if not done previously)
                                                               i.      Ask students to stack pennies as high as possible using dominant and non-dominant hand
                                                             ii.      Record data on data collection sheet
b.      Coin stacking discussion
                                                               i.      What are natural questions related to stacking pennies using dominant and non-dominant hands?
                                                             ii.      What do you think the results will show for the various questions?
1.       These become our hypotheses, our belief or knowledge about what is currently true
                                                            iii.      What protocol did you use for penny stacking?
1.       Are protocols consistent?
2.       How does this affect results?
                                                           iv.      What was the purpose of this experiment?
1.       Assume want to find out if dominant or non-dominant hand is better at stacking
2.       What if told that the purpose was really to see what percent stacked multiple pennies at a time?
c.       Blinding is when the subject, and possibly the experimenter, of an experiment does not know the treatment they are being given
                                                               i.      Blinding is not required but is desired
1.       Single blind – subject does not know what experimental treatment is
2.       Double blind—both subject and experimenter do not know what experimental treatment is
                                                             ii.      Placebo is a treatment that masks whether a subject is being given a true treatment (think sugar pill)
d.      Required elements of an experiment
                                                               i.      Control
1.       Compare two or more treatments
a.       What are treatments and comparisons in penny stacking
2.       What is a control group?
a.       Base to compare against—the status quo, not nothing
                                                             ii.      Randomization of assignment into groups
1.       How should randomization be used here?
a.       Randomization of which hand gets used first
                                                            iii.      Replication of treatments so have ability to detect differences
e.      What is the response variable in our experiment?
                                                               i.      The variable we wish to measure and understand
f.        What is a factor in our experimental design?
                                                               i.      A variable that impacts the response variable and we want to measure
                                                             ii.      Handedness
g.       What are the levels of the factor?
                                                               i.      The ways that a factor varies
                                                             ii.      Dominant and non-dominant hand
h.      What are treatments?
                                                               i.      Combinations of factors
                                                             ii.      What if experiment added in blindfold? What are factors, levels, and treatments?
i.         Cactus example assessment of understanding
j.        Experimental design diagrams
                                                               i.      Show generic diagram
                                                             ii.      Students create diagram for cactus experiment
                                                            iii.      Share and discuss diagrams
k.       Could the strength of dominance impact results in coin stacking? For example, what if some people are ambidextrous?
                                                               i.      What could be done in the experiment’s design to reduce this impact?
l.         Blocking provides a means to group individuals with a similar characteristic that may affect results
m.    Golf example
                                                               i.      What does a completely randomized design look like?
                                                             ii.      What does a block design look like?
n.      Discuss diagrams
o.      How applicable are the coin stacking results to other groups?
                                                               i.      Why or why not applicable to the general population?
p.      What do we mean by a sample versus a population in statistics?
                                                               i.      Population—general group we are interested in studying or measuring
                                                             ii.      Sample—a subset of the population for which we have gathered information
q.      In coin stacking, who are the population and who are the sample?
r.        What conclusion can we draw from our experiment?
s.       How reliable do you think these conclusions are for the overall population?
                                                               i.      The idea of considering the reliability of conclusions drawn from data is what we mean by inferential statistics
t.        Ethical issues in experimental design
u.      Design an experiment
                                                               i.      Discuss designs and ethical issues
3.       01-03 studies
    1. Characteristics of studies
    2. Retrospective versus prospective studies
    3. Examples
                                                               i.      Identify study type
                                                             ii.      Describe what a study would look like

                                                            iii.      Practice
1.       Use problem 17 on page 27 of Elementary Statistics, Bluman
    1. Optional video on observational studies and experiments (Against All Odds?)
  1. 01-04 Sampling
    1. Discussion – Desired characteristics of a sample
                                                               i.      Develop ideas to drive next activity
    1. Activity – come up with ways to create a representative sample
                                                               i.      Share out ideas
                                                             ii.      Discuss and name the ideas
    1. 3 big ideas of sampling
                                                               i.      Have a sample that’s representative
                                                             ii.      Randomize the sample to reduce unanticipated issues
                                                            iii.      Sample size is what matters
    1. Characteristics of sampling techniques
                                                               i.      Simple random sample (SRS)
                                                             ii.      Stratified sample
                                                            iii.      Cluster sample
                                                           iv.      Systematic sample
                                                             v.      Multistage sample
                                                           vi.      Video
                                                          vii.      Text
    1. Assignment
                                                               i.      Describe two of the above sampling techniques applied to AWest students. Cannot use SRS.
  1. 01-05 SRS and Bias
    1. Random Rectangles activity
                                                               i.      Do first part – subjective sample versus simple random sample
    1. Discuss bias and possibilities in AWest student survey
    2. How can an SRS be generated
  1. 01-07 Bias
    1. Difference between bias and error
    2. Generate ideas of how bias might occur in a survey
    3. Discuss characteristics of bias
                                                               i.      Volunteer response bias
                                                             ii.      Convenience sampling
                                                            iii.      Undercoverage
                                                           iv.      Non-response bias
                                                             v.      Response bias

    1. Complete worksheet on random samples and bias
                                                               i.      Use pages 88-89 in Data Analysis and Probability Workbook
                                                             ii.      Have students sampling technique or bias type
  1. 01-01A Quiz on studies, sampling, and experiments
    1. Mastery Quiz
                                                               i.      Definitions and examples
  1. 01-10 investigations
    1. What Do Students Drive?
                                                               i.      Activities and Projects for Introductory Statistics,  page 36-37
                                                             ii.      Have students structure an appropriate sampling technique to use in data collection (may need to have students look at 2-3 ways of sampling)
                                                            iii.      Collect data and have students organize data
1.       Can see what they know how to do
                                                           iv.      Begin weaving in organizing data lessons (see lesson 02-02 described below)
1.       Use contingency tables, dependence at this juncture.
2.       Verify ability to calculate appropriate percentages from marginal and conditional distributions
3.       Verify students can create segmented bar graphs and interpret results
4.       Have students select an association to investigate (such as vehicle color versus vehicle type)
a.       Create a contingency table
b.      Create a segmented bar graph
c.       Interpret meaning of results
                                                             v.      What follows below occurs after students have learned probability and simulation
                                                           vi.      Have students make estimates of proportions and simulate results
                                                          vii.      Students collect data and assess if data is consistent with  hypothesis
                                                        viii.      Students use binomial model to calculate probabilities of see that number or more (or fewer)
                                                           ix.      Students modify hypothesis and verify that new hypothesis and data are consistent
                                                             x.      Students write a report as a portfolio problem
1.       This will be a model of what reports should look like
2.       Self-developed mentor text
    1. What’s In a Name?
                                                               i.      Making Sense of Statistical Studies, pages 48-51
                                                             ii.      Use this to launch into describing distributions
1.       Describe shape
2.       Why shape is important
3.       Measures of center and spread
    1. What Does This Study Do?
                                                               i.      Navigating Through Data Analysis, pages 119-120
    1. How Fast Do They Melt in Your Mouth?
                                                               i.      Navigating Through Data Analysis, pages 121-122
                                                             ii.      Use to look at box plots and outliers
1.       5-number summary, IQR and fences
                                                            iii.      Create hypothesis – what do you think will happen
                                                           iv.      Discuss re-sampling and bootstrapping instead of simulation
    1. Did You Wash Your Hands?
                                                               i.      Making Sense of Statistical Studies, pages 10-15
                                                             ii.      Have students formulate a question of interest and create a null and alternative hypothesis
                                                            iii.      Students use the handout questions to discuss how they would proceed with the study. Students will then carry out the study
  1. 01-11 Assessment
    1. Quiz
                                                               i.      [optional] Have students read article and answer questions
1.       Marijuana and obesity


The second unit will be covered to ensure students know basic techniques for displaying and analyzing data distributions. The intent is to support investigative work. This unit will coincide with the two or three weeks of investigations that take place at the end of the semester. Although there are 11 lesson files, several of these, most notably lesson 10, will take more than one period to complete.

1.       02-02 contingency tables
a.       Show how to create a contingency table
b.      Practice creating contingency table using class survey data
c.       Using contingency tables to analyze data
d.      Practice using contingency tables
                                                                           i.      Students wearing jeans—male vs female
                                                                         ii.      Eye color vs hair color
1.       Discuss marginal versus conditional distributions
2.       Discuss frequency versus relative frequency distributions
                                                                        iii.      School and smoking worksheet
                                                                       iv.      Have students pick an association to investigate from the car data (as explained under the investigations above)
                                                                         v.      OPTIONAL: M&M investigation
1.       Is M&M color independent of hair or eye color of purchaser?
e.      Video homework – calculating relative frequencies
f.        [Only use this to cover with a substitute.] Investigation
                                                                           i.      Welcome to Oostburg, pages 82-86, Making Sense of Statistical Studies
2.       02-04 graphing quantitative data
a.       What graphs can use for displaying quantitative data?
                                                                           i.      Use to assess prior knowledge
                                                                         ii.      Help differentiate between graphs for categorical and quantitative data
                                                                        iii.      Help differentiate between graphs for two variables and a single variable
b.      Effect of bin size on histograms
                                                                           i.      Change bin sizes for same graph
1.       Use name rank data
2.       Break into 25, 50 and 100 bins
c.       Statistics Through Applications
                                                                           i.      Activity on page 41
                                                                         ii.      Create histogram of data
d.      Graphs of class survey quantitative data
e.      Discuss how you would describe the graph
3.       02-05 Shape Center Spread
a.       Shape
                                                                           i.      Number of modes
                                                                         ii.      Symmetric or skewed
                                                                        iii.      Gaps, outliers or unusual features
1.       Play outliers video
b.      Center
                                                                           i.      Roughly where would the center of data falls
c.       Spread
                                                                           i.      How tightly are data clustered around the center
d.      [Optional] Against All Odds Picturing Distributions Video
4.       02-06 Describe Shape Center Spread
a.       Items to address when describing a graph
b.      Symmetry/skewness example
                                                                           i.      Then ask about modes
c.       Modes example
                                                                           i.      Have students complete description for lower left graph
d.      Assessment
5.       [optional] 02-07 Quiz on Shape Center Spread
6.       02-08 Center and Spread
a.       Have students create a histogram of heights using sticky notes
                                                                           i.      Have students stand in line from lowest to highest
1.       Remove two students at a time from line, one from each end
2.       Continue until have one or two students standing
3.       What do the remaining students represent?
a.       The median!
                                                                         ii.      Students write a description of the graph
                                                                        iii.      Where do students think the center of the data lies?
b.      Calculate the mean and the median for heights
                                                                           i.      Which better characterizes the center of the data distribution?
                                                                         ii.      What does the mean measure?
1.       Use disks to demonstrate equal allocation
c.       Calculate the mean and median for name ranks
d.      Where is the center
e.      Mean versus median
f.        Pick a center statistic to use
g.       Mean affected by outliers and skewness
h.      When to use mean versus median
i.         Describe spread of data
                                                                           i.      Remind that spread talks about concentration around center of graph
j.        Range and IQR
k.       Range example
l.         Effects of outliers on range
m.    Quartiles
                                                                           i.      Discuss how to determine dividing values
n.      Finding the IQR
o.      Effects of outliers on IQR
p.      5 number summary
q.      5 number summary practice
                                                                           i.      5 number summary practice – Name rank data
                                                                         ii.      5 number summary practice – Chocolate melting data
r.        [optional] Investigations from Data Analysis and Probability Workbook
                                                                           i.      Average Temperature, page 37
1.       This takes a full class period
                                                                         ii.      Wink Count, page 38
7.       02-11 Box Plots
a.       What does a box plot look like
b.      Meaning of box plot parts
c.       5 steps to create a box plot
                                                                           i.      [optional] Watch video on creating box plot
d.      Practice using name rank and chocolate data
e.      Box plots on a calculator
f.        Side-by-side box plots
g.       Practice – use chocolate melting times by group
8.       02-12 Std Dev
a.       Look at plant shrub heights
                                                                           i.      How can we characterize spread around the mean?
                                                                         ii.      How far away from the mean is the smallest shrub? What about the tallest shrub?
b.      Deviations
c.       Mean of deviations
                                                                           i.      Will it always be zero
                                                                         ii.      What can we do to not make it zero
d.      Definition of variance
                                                                           i.      No longer in same units
                                                                         ii.      What can we do to put it back into original units
e.      Definition of standard deviation
                                                                           i.      In original units
f.        Practice
                                                                           i.      Calculate the mean and standard deviation for name rank data
                                                                         ii.      Calculate mean and standard deviation for melting times of  chocolate types
                                                                        iii.      Data set investigations
1.       Male and female heights
g.       Effect of transformations on mean and standard deviation
                                                                           i.      Discuss
h.      Constructing a data set
9.       02-13 Comparing Data
a.       Comparing two different graphs of same distribution
b.      Comparing histograms for two different distributions
c.       Comparing box plots
d.      Things to consider when comparing distributions discussion
e.      Things to consider when comparing distributions summary
f.        Comparing distribution video
                                                                           i.      Against All Odds Describing Distributions
g.       Investigations
                                                                           i.      Use chocolate data to compare melting times
                                                                         ii.      [optional] Pierre Experiment
1.       Pass out slips randomly
2.       Students are not to discuss or use any outside aid
3.       Ask students to write on post it note
4.       Have students write 10 or 100 based upon which slip they received
5.       Post on board as large histogram
6.       Mark post it notes with different colors for 10 and 100
7.       Ask students to describe distribution
8.       Next write out values for each group
9.       Ask students if the number given on the slip affected the estimates
10.   Have students do a comparative analysis and write it up
11.   Have students share out presentations (around 5 or so)
12.   Discuss what makes a good comparative analysis
a.       Graphs on same scale
b.      Comparing shape, center and spread to get overall picture of the distributions
c.       Drawing a conclusion referring to specific values
10.   02-15 z-scores          
a.       Which is more unusual?
                                                                           i.      Discuss as class, how could these be compared?
b.      Quick investigation
                                                                           i.      Just reference this from previous work. Only have them perform calculations if don’t recall results.
                                                                         ii.      Pick 5 different values
                                                                        iii.      Calculate the mean and standard deviation
                                                                       iv.      Now, add a value of 9 to each original value
1.       What happens to mean and standard deviation
                                                                         v.      Next, subtract a value of 9 from each original value
1.       What happens to mean and standard deviation
                                                                       vi.      Multiply each original value by 9
1.       What happens to mean and standard deviation
                                                                      vii.      Divide each original value by 9
1.       What happens to mean and standard deviation
c.       What will the mean and standard deviation be if you subtract x-bar from each datum
                                                                           i.      Mean is zero, standard deviation unchanged
1.       Instruct students to try this if they are unsure what will happen
d.      What will the mean be if you divide transformed data by the standard deviation
                                                                           i.      Mean is zero and standard deviation one
                                                                         ii.      What are the units of this transformed data
1.       Z-scores are unitless, basically the measure number of standard deviations away from the mean
                                                                        iii.      This is known as a z-score
e.      What is the meaning of the z-score
                                                                           i.      Tells how many standard deviations a value is away from the mean
f.        Going back to opening question, what if we calculate the z-score for both items?
                                                                           i.      Can compare to see which is more unusual
g.       Practice comparing z-scores
                                                                           i.      Use name rank data, calculate z-scores for min, max, median, and personal value
1.       What is z-score for mean?
a.       Hopefully students recognize this will be zero
2.       Compare results and discuss any issues
a.       Relate values to standard deviations away from the mean
                                                                         ii.      Use class survey data and all quant variables
1.       Pre-calculate the mean and std devs for each variable
2.       Have students calculate the z-scores for their individual data
3.       Have students which variable is most unusual for them and which is most normal
                                                                        iii.      sisters versus shoe size
                                                                       iv.      cocker spaniels
                                                                         v.      long jump
h.      Work with z-scores on worksheet
i.         The distribution of z-scores is known as the standard normal model
                                                                           i.      Mean is zero and standard deviation is one
j.        Calculate areas under curve
                                                                           i.      Using table
                                                                         ii.      Using 68, 95, 99 rule
k.       Practice with normal model worksheet
l.         Transformations of mean and standard deviation
m.    Effect of subtracting mean from data
n.      Effect of dividing by standard deviation
o.      Definition and properties of a z-score
p.      Video
q.      Practice calculating z-scores
                                                                           i.      Use average temperature data
                                                                         ii.      Use class survey
r.        What is more unusual
                                                                           i.      Use z-scores to compare
s.       Standard Score Worksheet
11.   02-16 Normal Model
a.       What does the distribution of z-scores look like?
b.      Distribution is bell-shaped and is called the standard normal distribution
c.       What is the mean of this distribution?
                                                                           i.      Students should recognize that it will be zero
d.      What is the standard deviation of the distribution?
                                                                           i.      May say 1 z-score, which corresponds to one standard deviation
                                                                         ii.      Write out the sigmas and mean underneath the graph
1.       Explain what sigma and Greek letters represent
e.      The area under the curve totals one
                                                                           i.      Can use this to calculate percentages of distribution
f.        Explain z-table
g.       Practice using z-table
                                                                           i.      Page T-1 in Statistics Through Applications
h.      What if you are given the area rather than the z-score
                                                                           i.      Show example then practice
i.         How would you find the area between two z-scores?
                                                                           i.      Try to let students come up with way
                                                                         ii.      If not, explain can subtract one are from the other
                                                                        iii.      Practice this idea
j.        Show and explain 68-95-99.7 / Empirical Rule
                                                                           i.      Practice using the diagram
k.       Work on problems on the worksheet
                                                                           i.      Additional practice using Statistics Through Applications worksheets
1.       Sec. 3.2 #1
2.       Sec. 3.2 #2
l.         Record thoughts about how z-scores and normal model can help compare unusual events
12.   Mid-term review self-directed (section 2a)
a.       Write down five most important facts, concepts or topics for this unit
b.      Compare lists in group
c.       Record lists on board and then organize by importance
d.      Create a free response problem for each category of varying degree of difficulty
e.      Class answers created questions
                                                                           i.      Discuss choices and question wording
f.        Optional – re-write questions and choices
g.       Work through sample problems as needed
h.      Explain structure and grading for mid-term
13.   Mid-term exam (section 2a)

Note: The group project should be introduced at this point in the course!


This unit provides basic information on probability, probability models, expected value, conditional probability and independence. It is designed to provide a foundation for understanding inference and conducting simulations.

03-01 Probability Rules
·         Probabilities total a value of 1
o   Connect to normal model
o   Give example of heads and tails
o   Ask students for other examples
§  Rolling dice
§  Spinners
§  Deck of cards
§  Marbles in a bag
·         Normal models can represent probabilities
o   Area under curve is 1
o   Rather than ask “what percent of distribution falls between…”
o   Ask “What is probability that a randomly selected value falls between…”
§  It’s same evaluation, just a different perspective on the representation
·         What probability rules do you know?
o   Think, pair, share
o   Run through basic concepts
§  0<=P(A)<=1
§  P(A)=0 means never happens
§  P(A)=1 means always happens
§  P(A) + P(not A) = 1
·         Reference that “not A” is the complement of A and is sometime written as Ac
03-02 Represent and calculate
·         How can you represent probability situations
o   Ask students then discuss
§  Tables
§  Venn diagrams
o   Use M&M problem
·         Calculating probabilities
o   P(peanut)
o   P(not plain)
o   P(orange and plain)
o   P(orange or plain)
o   P(orange)
·         Reference basic probability rules on page 331
·         Roulette practice
o   P(red)
o   P(even)
o   P(3rd 12)
o   P(1-18 or center column)
o   P(2nd 12 and 3rd column)
o   P(black and even)
o   P(black or even)
o   P(not 19-36)
o   P(0 or 00)
o   P(0 and 00)
o   P(1st spin red and 2nd spin black)
o   Is the event  “8 and black” mutually exclusive
o   Is the event “25 and black” mutually exclusive
·         Strings
o   Take 3 strings
o   Grab and fold in half
o   Swirl to randomize
o   Tie 2 ends together, do it again, tie last pair together
o   What are possible outcomes
o   Which do you think most likely to occur, which least likely to occur
o   Tabulate results and represent
§  Discuss experimental probability versus theoretical
§  Ask students how three loops could form
·         Step through 3 loop probability, use tree to help model
·         Compare to experimental result
03-03 conditional and independence
·         Conditional Probability and Independence
o   M&Ms
§  P(orange| peanut)
o   Asthma and smoking
§  Table
§  Venn Diagram
§  Tree
o   Card probabilities
§  Ask for volunteer
§  Choose card from deck; student can win $1 if guesses drawn card (no suit necessary); student writes guess on slip of paper which is not shared with anyone
§  Ask class “what is the probability of having a correct guess?” answer 4/52
§  For a penny give a hint—card is red (or black)
§  “what is the probability of a correct guess?” answer 2/26
§  For another penny another hint—card is a heart (or appropriate suit)
§  “what is the probability of a correct guess?” answer 1/13
§  For another penny give one more hint—card is a number (or face card)
§  “what is the probability of having a correct guess?” answer 1/9 or ¼
§  Discuss what information was helpful and what wasn’t
§  Talk about independence informally
o   Independence
§  Go back through problems to check on independence
·         M&Ms
·         Roulette
·         Asthma
·         Clothing and gender
o   Bayes
§  P(plain | orange)
§  Asthma
§  Jumping frogs
§  Define general multiplication rule
§  Show how probabilities can be reversed
§  Discuss general concept versus using a formula
§  Use clothing (shorts or jeans, etc depending on what you see in class) and gender as an example for independence and Bayes theorem
·         Practice using Chapter 7 Review #2 and “And” versus “Or” and Independent versus Dependent worksheet
·         Pass out project guidelines
03-04 Birthday problem
·         Counting and probability
o   The Birthday problem
§  Have students record day of birth in month column
§  Pose question
§  Represent situation for 3 students in a room and then expand from there
·         Results involve factorials and permutations
03-5 random variables
·         What is a random variable?
o   Variable that depends on chance
·         What is a discrete random variable?
o   Can list out all possible values of variable
·         When make a table and histogram of a variable it is the probability distribution and probability histogram
o   Use dice roll example
·         What is the mean dice roll?
o   This is called the expected value
o   Calculate expected value for a weighted die
§  Use 1/3, 1/12, 1/12, 1/12, 1/12, 1/3
§  Compare what was done and how they are similar
o   Show formula
§  Calculate another weighted die using 1/3, 1/12, 1/12, 1/3, 1/12, 1/12
§  Connect pieces back to formula
o   Use sibling example to calculate the expected value
o   What does this value mean?
·         What is the standard deviation of a dice roll?
o   Consider how standard deviation was calculated before
o   What does this value mean?
·         Use 03-05a Prob Model Mentor texts to establish what a probability model looks like
o   Point out that the probabilities sum to one and that if they don’t either a probability is wrong or an outcome is missing
o   Connect back to normal probability and z-table
§  Table is a look at a probability model for continuous data
·         Coin flipping questions
o   Have students calculate probabilities
§  Create probability model
§  Calculate probabilities
§  Calculate expected value
o   What are characteristics of these problems
§  Two possible outcomes
§  Constant probability
§  Independent trials
§  These are Bernoulli trials
§  Number of successes in fixed trials is binomial
o   How did you go about calculating these probabilities?
§  Success/failures and number of ways
§  Connect to probability model
§  Discuss how to calculate with a calculator
·         Have students summarize their understanding of random variables and their connection to probability
·         Practice using Expected Value Worksheet
o   Show how to calculate expected value and standard deviation using calculator
03-06 Simulating random variables
·         How could a coin toss be simulated using random numbers?
·         Discuss student ideas about definition of simulation
·         Show Frayer vocab model
·         Go through terms
o   Provide definition
o   Class discussion of examples
o   Class discussion of non-examples
o   Students use this to complete their own characteristics
·         Terms for Frayer Model
o   Simulation
o   Component
o   Outcomes
o   Trial
o   Response variable
·         Discuss simulation steps
o   Connect to previous knowledge and work
·         Use random number table
o   Use flipping coin example: number of heads in 10 coin tosses
·         Practice using
o   Number of heads in a row when tossing 5 times
o   Number of turns before rolling a sum of five on two dice
·         Analyzing response variable
o   Practice with one of the practice problems above
·         Practice with worksheets sec7.1 #1 and sec7.1 #1 page 1 and sec7.1 #3 page 2.
o   Worksheet #1 helps solidify digit assignment
o   Worksheet #2 page 1 steps through simulation process as a model
o   Worksheet #3 page 2 provides practice and allows assessment of random digit assignment
·         Use expected value worksheet and have students generate simulations
o   Pull data at tables and then with at least one other table group
o   Analyze and draw a conclusion about results
·         Exit
o   When setting up a simulation I want to be sure to ___ because ___
o   The things I am wondering about or have questions about simulations are ___.


The fourth unit will be built into the investigations and should take approximately 4 weeks to complete. Formally introduce the idea of null and alternative hypotheses. Inference will be learned through simulations, re-sampling and bootstrapping. Simulations were developed extensively in the third unit. The concepts of re-sampling and bootstrapping will be introduced as methods of inference for investigations at the end of the third unit. This should be a more formal look at the idea of inference that has been handled informally before.

1.       04-01 Big Idea of Inference
a.       Discuss big idea of inference
                                                                           i.      Looking at null versus alternative for question of interest
                                                                         ii.      Use chocolate melting experiment for basis
b.      What questions can ask about landmass of the globe
                                                                           i.      These are questions of interest
c.       Questions of interest lead to hypothesis statements
                                                                           i.      Null hypothesis: what we believe is true
                                                                         ii.      Alternative hypothesis: what we are willing to accept if null hypothesis is shown to be incorrect
                                                                        iii.      Have class generate statements for each previously developed question of interest
d.      Basics of inference
                                                                           i.      Question of interest
                                                                         ii.      Create null hypothesis
                                                                        iii.      Create alternative hypothesis
                                                                       iv.      Analyze situation
e.      Writing Hypothesis Statements Mentor Text
                                                                           i.      Always, sometimes, never
f.        Examples to create null and alternative hypotheses
                                                                           i.      Baseball for spring semester
1.       If a player consistently gets 4 at bats per game rather than 3 at bats, will his hitting streak be longer?
2.       A player has a 25 game hitting streak. Is his batting average above .400?
                                                                         ii.      Football for fall semester
1.       If a field goal kicker averages 4 attempts per game rather than 3 attempts per game, will the streak of consecutive makes be shorter?
2.       Field goal kickers make attempts from within 40 yards and beyond 40 yards. Are success rates from beyond 40 yards significantly less?
g.       Practice
                                                                           i.      Create hypotheses for high school sports success
                                                                         ii.      Page 444, 9.26 and 9.26 in Statistics Through Applications
2.       04-02 Methods of Inference
a.       Revisit the basis of inference
b.      Bootstrapping
                                                                           i.      How it works
c.       Conducting a hypothesis test with bootstrapping
                                                                           i.      How much of the globe is covered in water?
                                                                         ii.      Provide steps
1.       Have students create a hypothesis statement
2.       Collect data
3.       Simulate results using software
a.       Create a confidence interval using normal model
4.       Have students hand perform a bootstrap
5.       Generate bootstrap with software
a.       Calculate a p-value
                                                                                                                                                   i.      Find z-score (this is the test statistic)
                                                                                                                                                 ii.      use normal model to find probability
6.       Draw conclusion
d.      Re-sampling
                                                                           i.      How it works
                                                                         ii.      Have students use determine if more or less water coverage in northern hemisphere
1.       Repeat steps of hypothesis testing with re-sampling
a.       Make use of normal model and z-scores
2.       Have students conduct re-sampling by hand before using software
                                                                        iii.      Use data to address hypotheses
1.       Land mass in northern hemisphere versus southern hemisphere
                                                                       iv.      [optional] This is a good spot to use the loaded dice
e.      Evaluation of written reports and rubric
                                                                           i.      Have students rank works, using rubric as source
                                                                         ii.      Discuss what makes a good written report
f.        At this point, students can work with past data and project data
                                                                           i.      Project analysis
                                                                         ii.      Car data from earlier sampling activity
                                                                        iii.      Name rank data
                                                                       iv.      Chocolate melting data

g.        [Optional] Use melting chocolate analysis and results as poster project
h.      [Optional] Use hand washing as poster project
3.        [do this if still need help following the analysis and reporting process] 04-03 Investigations from Navigating Through Data Analysis
a.       What Would You Expect
b.      Simulating the Case
c.       Analyzing Simulation Results
d.      Recap/Describe Process Used
e.      Simulating and Counting Success
                                                                           i.      How does this relate to previous simulations
4.       04-04 Chocolate melting – different or same
a.       Make a hypothesis—null and alternative
b.      Run simulations
c.       Analyze simulations
d.      Draw conclusion
5.       04-05 Soda rankings—same or different
a.       Analyze through resampling
6.       04-06 Name Rankings—same or different
a.       Analyze through resampling
7.       04-07 Car mileage
a.       What would be unusual?
8.       04-08 Balance time
a.       What would be unusual?


Note: The first project should be rolled out at the end of unit 2. Students will be able to complete data collection and exploratory data analysis. They will need simulations and inference techniques to complete the project. Allow students to work in groups but each student is required to write their own report. One report will be randomly selected and used as the score for the entire group. All reports will be examined for originality. If papers are basically copies of each other the groups’ grade will be lowered one grade.

Time permitting, a second project (poster project?) could be introduced at the end of the semester. The fifth unit should take approximately 2 weeks to complete. Students will apply their knowledge in investigations and projects.

9.       05-01 Project 1
a.       By groups
b.      Select topic of interest/question to be answered
c.       Design study
                                                                           i.      Survey, experiment, or observational study
d.      Collect data
e.      Analyze data
f.        Run simulation, bootstrapping, and re-sampling
g.       Test inference
h.      Draw conclusion
i.         Create poster
j.        Present results
10.   05-3 Final Exam

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