Monday, May 13, 2013

IPS - Day 61

Today we began the review process for the final exam. To start things off, I showed them Steven Levitt's Ted talk on car seats. This talk walks through an observational study and an experiment that was conducted on the efficacy of car seats versus seat belts for children aged 2-6 years old.

The video provides a nice tie-in to what we have been doing in class. It shows students how researchers actually work. In this case, I was able to ask students what type of studies were used and discuss some of the graphs used to display data.

With that lead-in, I showed students the three major topics that we covered during the second-half of the semester: collecting data, analyzing data, and random events and probability. I asked each student to write down the three big ideas, concepts, formulas, or vocabulary that they associated with each of these topics. I gave students time to get their thoughts down and then share with their groups.

As a class, we went through each topic, listing out what students had written. The lists were extensive and demonstrated clearly how much material we had covered.

I asked students to consider the lists that we created and to determine which items they would want to focus on tomorrow, which is our last day of review.

Visit the class summary for a student's perspective and to view the lesson slides.

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