Friday, February 19, 2016

Continuing work with sine, cosine, and tangent

Today we continued working with sines, cosines, and tangents. The class was working through parts 1 and 2 of Relationships with Meaning. I was pleased to see that students had very few questions and were realizing how opposite and adjacent sides were flipping based on the angle being used. I know that this has been an issue in past years but doesn't seem to be an issue this year. Other colleagues have expressed that students continue to struggle with this idea. I have to believe that the way the trig ratios were introduced and worked with before naming and using them helped.

As students moved into part 2, students started having questions. The problems that asked about relationships for sin(90o - A) confused students. I told students to substitute in side length values to help them. I demonstrated this with approximate side length values for a 30o, 60o, 90o triangle. At this point students were able to continue on and make sense of the relationships being described.

Because we were also doing class registration work for next year, we weren't able to get further. Students will be completing whatever pieces they hadn't finished yet over the weekend. We'll discuss their thinking next class before working on new problems.

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