Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Similar Triangles and Other Figures investigation

Yesterday we had a snow day, so no school but lots of snow shoveling. Today we finished going through the last few problems on triangle dilation sheet and then moved to the next investigation.

The Similar Triangles and Other Figures investigation provides a formal definition for similarity and delves into AAA and the AA corollary for triangles. I asked students to answer the first seven questions on their own. I wanted them to get their thinking down before talking with others. My hope is that they would start to identify conflicting thoughts and start to resolve them.

The class worked through these, albeit slowly. Some students would call me over and discuss their conflicting thoughts. As they discussed their ideas, they started to realize which direction to take. As students started to discuss responses and ideas with each other, I heard many good discussions about examples and counter-examples.

I let students continue working through the questions and following problems. I decided to delay discussing responses until next class.  I asked the class to finish the questions as best they can.

I am hopeful that misconceptions about similarity will be resolved for everyone by the end of the class. My intent is to provide some practice problems similar to what will be given on the unit test. I will then conclude the unit with an investigation that looks at using similarity to estimate shadow lengths and heights of objects.

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