Friday, March 4, 2016

First right triangle trigonometry quiz

Just a brief update today. I gave a quiz today: 10 free response problems and 5 multiple choice questions. I told the class each free response problem was worth 1 point and that the multiple choice problems were practice preparation for the PSAT. These would be worth 1/2 point and could be applied toward point recovery on the free response questions (basically they are being treated as extra credit).

I was expecting the quiz to take almost the entire period. It did and then some. Only about 1/3 of the class completed the quiz during the period. I then assigned the quiz as a take-home quiz. For those completing the quiz during class, I won't cap the extra-credit at 10 points. I don't like to penalize students who may take more time to process through problems. This way students who actually did finish during class get some added benefit, so they don't feel like they are missing out on the benefit of finishing the quiz at home. I'll probably be a bit more forgiving when scoring work as well.

I'm hoping to wrap-up the right triangle trig work next week. We'll have a text covering all the trig material the following week.

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