Monday, March 18, 2013

IPS - Day 36

Today we wrapped up looking at experimental designs. To begin things, we finished watching the Against All Odds experimental design video. This video nicely lays out key components of a well designed experiment and provides clear examples of how these components are implemented.

After viewing the video, I briefly reviewed key aspects of experimental design. We then discussed some ethical issues with experimentation. The video brought up one such situation and I provided several others. The discussion brought forth several questions and issues that the students thought of with regard to ethics. Of particular interest was the idea of informed consent and whether the use of a placebo may have a detrimental impact on a subject.

Class concluded with students asked to design a study that would provide evidence for a quote lifted from a magazine article. We'll start class tomorrow looking at and discussing their designs. In particular, we'll look at the design type (survey, observational study, or experiment) and discuss the pros and cons of that particular design.

Visit the class summary for a student's perspective and to view the lesson slides.

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