Friday, March 22, 2013

IPS - Day 39

Today was the mid-term exam. I wrote about the general structure and philosophy of my mid-term exam structure in yesterday's post about discrete math.

The categories I created for this exam were:
  • Conditional probability and independence
  • Expected value
  • Probability
  • Sampling and bias
A student asked how long I expected the exam to take. I said I expected the exam to take 80 minutes. In tracking completions, four students finished this exam in less than one-hour and about one-third of the students completed the exam after 70 minutes. After 80 minutes there were still approximately one third of the students working on the exam. A couple of students worked the entire 90 minutes on the exam.

As with past exams, students commented on the length of time for the test but did not have any issues with the difficulty of the exam.

We're off on Spring Break until April 2. We'll begin making use of what we have learned so far through a series of investigations.

Visit the class summary for a student's perspective and to view the lesson slide.

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