Friday, August 23, 2013

AP Statistics Report Writing Self-evaluation

Last post I described using mentor texts to help students become better statistical report writers. The second step in the process is to have students become more reflective about their writing. To do this, I share the scoring rubric that is for their first writing assignment. I have students go through the rubric and ask any clarifying questions they may have. I want to be sure they have a good grasp of the assignment's expectations.

Students swap papers and then use the scoring rubric to assess the paper they are handed. The scoring and paper are then discussed. Reading another student's paper give additional exposure on ways to communicate statistical thinking. Each student now must use the feedback and learning from this scoring exercise to revise and improve their report.

I will score each final draft and provide written feedback. Students will then have one last opportunity to revise their work and make a final submission. I have found that this process builds important meta-cognitive supports to their learning.

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