Saturday, August 17, 2013

Getting Ready for the 2013-2014 School Year

After teaching an introductory statistics course as MSU Denver this summer, I have been tweaking my Inferential Probability and Statistics course content. I am also planning on introducing some new investigations and tasks to my AP Statistics course this year.

For the Inferential Probability and Statistics course, I have gone back to starting with a unit on generating data. The sequence will be experimental design, observation studies, and then survey sampling. From there, we'll move into a unit on organizing data and describing data distributions using summary statistics. The third unit will cover probability with an emphasis on simulations. The fourth unit will then transition to using probabilities and simulations to make inferences.

I will not provide a day-to-day recap of each lesson, as much of the material was documented last school year. I will spend time covering new activities and I will comment on how the sequencing is either helping or hindering students' understanding of statistical analysis.

I wish everyone a successful school-year. Please feel free to post comments and questions regarding what you are doing in your classes.

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